I was tagged by my friend Toni. I have never actually done one of these, but since it was Toni...:)
Here are the rules. 1)Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. (2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.
1) I'm addicted to talk radio. Yes, this is not normal, but true. Even though I am in Mexico I have found a way to have my talk radio. My favorite is Dr. Laura, but I also like Rush and Hanity and that finance guy with the real soothing voice. It's so bad that I can't clean the house unless I have it turned on.
2) I love Andrew Lloyd Weber. Almost anything of his is great. I especially like his latest called Whistle Down the Wind.
3) I always clean my house in the exact same order. I have tried to clean out of order and I find that it takes me longer and I will forget to do something. Maybe I'm a bit OCD, but at least the work gets done (as long as I have talk radio on)!
4) I LOVE when the weather changes. I have to admit, I miss the weather in Lubbock. I love this time of year when it cools down and the leaves change, then it gradually gets colder until it's freezing! Then, as you get sick of the cold it starts to warm up. Then summer comes and the days are long so you can play outside for sooo long! Love it!!!!!!!!
5) I can't sleep with socks on. It makes no difference how cold it gets, if they are on, I can't sleep.
6) My favorite time of day is at night. I love, after a long, busy day, to put the kids to bed, have the house already clean and sit. I like to watch TV with Chris, or read a good book.
7) I love reading my friends blogs. I feel like I have reconnected with so many "old" friends through the web. I have reconnected with almost my whole AIM team and other classmates. I love having Christian friends. It is nice to be able to keep in touch even though we are so far away.
8) I love my AIM girls more then they know. Working with AIM has been the most rewarding work I have ever been a part of. Their are a few I may encourage, but the reality is, they encourage me more then anything. They have brought me friendship and a since of excitement for God that I had been lacking. I treasure my time with them.
I will tag: April, Nancy, Susan and Lucy
6 years ago
Hi Jessica,
I can't sleep with socks on either!!
Rush, Hannity and Dr. Laura are fun to listen to. I usually only do that in the car. I can't hear them over my daughter's chattering! She talks non-stop. We are working on it :)
Thanks for visiting my blog. It was fun to get a comment from you on there.
I am thinking about starting a "Friends on the Mission Field" section with links to my friends blogs' who are on the mission field. Can I add you?
I clicked on your link to Nancy's blog. Her baby is adorable!
Hope you are having a good day.
Hey, Jess. I've been meaning to comment for awhile, sorry I'm so slow, ha! That's cool that your sister goes to Mac, we need to look her up. If you guys are ever here in San Anton you should look us up :)
Hey -sorry I haven't done the tag thing yet. BAD ME! Aspen has teeth. Have u looked at the blog? YEAH! I miss you and your babies...Love you - nan
I understand about routines! They are so comforting.
I also love the fact that you can reconnect with people through blogs.
And, I am excited to one day have AIMers too. I am glad you are loving it so much!
We love you all.
Yes! I am OCD, too, and it drives Aaron nuts! Now I am gonna tell him I'm not the only one in that family that's OCD. I think it is good to have a little bit of it though - it helps you get things done! :) Love ya! Sure have enjoyed reading your blog. Hope to see yall sooner or later!
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