
A funny story...

Kids are so funny and I thought I would post about what Alison said yeaturday...

On the way to church a man nearly walked out in front of our car while we were driving. Fortunitly he realized this and turned around to get back up on the sidewalk. Then he prosided to scold his "imaginary" friend, I guess for almost letting him get run over by a car. Alison asked about his strange behavior so we decided to tell her about drinking alcohol and that this man was probably drunk and that's why he was talking to his imaginary friend. After the story she paused for a minute and then asked, "Do I drink that stuff because I have two imaginary friends?". Kids are great! I try to remember that every day!

We are really looking forward to our trip to the states!


Kim W. said...

That is too funny! I am literally sitting here cracking up! I love it! Thanks for the laugh! Sure hope to see yall sometime soon. We miss yall and think of yall a lot more often than you might think. Love you all, Aaron, Kim, Jake, and baby Jack

Toni Burns said...

Jessica, what a great story. When are you guys heading to the states? We are leaving on Wed but I doubt we will run into you since you probably won't be in Lubbock. Have a safe and fun trip. Toni