
This weekend...

Well, this last weekend was supposed to be super busy, and it still was pretty busy but we ended up taking care of sick babies, and Chris had to take care of a sick wife! Friday night was our annuel kids day celebration. This year the AIMers were in charge and they had fun boths, lots of candy and hotdogs to eat. They did a great job and it was fun to not be in charge! I went with Alison while Chris stayed home with Christian. Then Saturday Chris took the kids, while I stayed home sick, to help out a children's home. They had asked for volunteer's to help watch over 100 kids at a park. Saturday night I was suppose to go to our bi-monthly ladies class, but I was to attached to my bathroom to make it. That leads us to today, Sunday. I was suppose to go to church and then out to lunch, instead I am sitting at home, still a bit sick but mostly taking care of my TWO sick kids! I hope this weekend ends soon!!!!!!


April said...

I am so sorry you all are sick! Get better soon! I love you!

Jessica L. Johnson said...

We all seem to be better! Chris managed to avoid the whole deal! Anyways, it was a long weekend!